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Notes of Database Management System [CT 652]

Database Constraints and Normalization


Integrity Constraints and Domain Constraints

Integrity Constraints

-Integrity constraints are the rules enforced in the data so as to assure accuracy and consistency of data in a relational database.
- It ensures that the changes made to the database by authorized users do not result in a loss of data consistency. -There are four types of integrity constraints as follows:-
1. Domain Integrity
2. Entity integrity
3. Referential integrity
4. Foreign Key integrity

Domain Integrity

-It states the set of values for an attributes must be a valid definition.
-An attribute can be defined with :
data TYPES
Allowance of null value
Default value
Value range
-It ensures that a specific attribute will have a right and proper value.

Entity Integrity

-It states that primary keys can not be null.
-As primary key is used to identify individual rows in a table,it cannot be null and must have proper values.

Referential Integrity
-It satisfies integrity constraints between two tables.
-It ,maintains consistency among rows between two tables.
-The rules are as follows:
1. A record from a primary table can not be deleted if matching records exist in a related table.
2. A primary key value in a primary table can not be changed if that record has related records.
3. A foreign key value in a related table that cannot be inserted if it does not exist in primary key of primary table.
4. A null value can be entered in foreign key specifying that the records are unrelated.

Foreign Key Integrity

-It contains two constraints .
-Cascade update related field: whenever there is change in primary key of a row in primary table, the foreign keys are updated in the matching rows of related tables.
-Cascade delete related row:whenever there is deletion of a row in primary table,the matching rows are automatically deleted in the related table.

Assertions and Triggering


-Assertions are the statement that ensures certain conditions must always be true and must remain true, otherwise the database modification is rejected.
-It is defined independent of table.
-It is activated whenever modification of table mentioned in assertion is needed.

Create assertion rich
((Select count(s.sid) from sailors S)
(Select count( from Boats B) <100) ;


-It is an event condition action rules.
-It is activated by some events.
-After activation , it checks the condition.
-If condition is satisfied, the action is performed.
-Triggers can be used to automate various actions in the database,

Functional Dependencies

-Functional dependency (FD) is the relationship that exists when one attribute uniquely determines another attribute. .
-Attribute B is functionally dependent on attribute A , denoted by ‘A-B’ if a value of A uniquely identifies a value of B at any instant of time.
-Mathematically , let R be relation schema a C R and B C R the FD α -> β holds on R if for any legal relations R(r) whenever any two tuples t1 and t2 agree on the attributes α , they also agree on the attributes β i.e.

Eg. Consider a relation r (loan_no ,amount) with instances as
1 10000
2 20000
3 10000
4 25000

Here , (loan_no-> amount ) holds because for any two tuples whenever t1[loan_no] = t2 [loan_no] => t1[amount] = t2[amount]

But, (amount -> loan_no) does not hold as for the tuples, the criteria is not satisfied ,
I.e. t1 = (1,10000) and
T3 = (3,10000) t1 [amount] = t3 [amount] = t1 [loan_no] is not equal to t3[loan_no]
In A => B ; A is determinants
B is object determinant

Types of FD :

-A FD is trivial , if the object of determinant is a subset of determinant . Mathematically a FD infinity => β is trivial if F belongs to K
E.g Customer name ,loan number => customer name

- A FD is non trivial if the object of determinant is not a subset of determinant ;
E.g (Student_id, student_name) => marks

- Full fd is a situation in which all the attributes oif composite determinant is necessary to identify its object uniquely

- Partial FD is a situation in which the subset of the attributes of composite determinant can identify its object uniquely.

Closure of a set of FD

-Consider F as the set of FD , then closure of F ( F+) is defined as a set of FD that are implied by F.
-Axioms :
a) if B ∈ x then x => B ( reflexivity )
b) if x => B then Ya = Yb (augmentation)
c) If x => B and B => Y then α => y
d) If x => B and α => Y then then α => y

Closure of attribute sets

-Consider A as a set of attributes and F be set of FD then closure of A under F(A) is the set of attributes that are functionally determined by A under F.
-Algorithm result := A
While (changes to result) do
For each K=> B in F
If includes result then result := result union B
-if A+ contains all attributes of R then α is super key.
-if B belongs to α+ then α => β holds.

Q) If R = {A,B,C,D,E,F,G} , F={A=> B, ABCD=>E ,EF =>G } list all possible F+

Members of F+ are :
ACD => E [A=> B and (ACD)B => E]
ABCDF => G [ABCD => E and (F)E => G]

Q) Find (AG)+ if R = (A,B,C,G,H,I) and F={A=>B, A=>C, CG=>H,G=> I , B=>H, CG=>I },

result = AG
Result = ABG
Result = ABCG
Result = ABCGH
Result = ABCGHI

Canonical Cover

- A canonical cover of F is a minimal set of FD equivalent to F having no redundant dependencies.
- Attributes A is extraneous in α if A belongs to α and F with α => β logically implies (F – { α => β} union {α –A ) => β}

- Algorithm
Use union rule to replace in F ; α => β1 , α => β2 => α = β1 β2
Find FD with extraneous attribute and if found delete attribute until F does not change.

Testing if attribute is extraneous

1. To test if A belongs to α is extraneous in α
-Compute ({α}-A)+ under f
-({α}-A)+ contains all attributes of β , A is extraneous

2. To test if A belongs to β is extraneous in β.
-Compute α+ under F’ = (F – {α => β }) union {α => {β - A })
-If K+ contains A, A is extraneous .

Q) Canonical Cover for R =(A,B,C), F = {A => BC , B=> C ,A => B , AB => C }

F = { A=>BC , B=>C , A=>B, AB => C }

1) A=>BC and A=>B have same LHS attribute so they can be combined using union rule :
Fc = { A=>BC ,B => C, AB => C }

2) Check presence of extraneous attribute in AB => C ;
For A belongs to AB ;
({ AB} –A )+ under F = B+ under F

Since all attributes of RHS is in {BC} , A is extraneous .
Therefore Fc = { A => BV , B=> C}

3) To check presence of extraneous in A => BC .
For C belongs to BC ; (A)+ under F’ = { B=> C, A=> B} = {ABC}
As A+ contains C , is extraneous .
Therefore Fc = { A=>B , B=> C }


Decomposition is the process of decomposing of a relation into a set of relations.
-While decomposing the following properties are desirable :
1. Attribute Preservation
2. Lossless join decomposition.
3. Dependency Preservation.
4. Lack of redundancy

Lossless Join Decomposition

-If R is decomposed in R1 and R2 then it is called lossless Join decomposition if R1 R2 = R
- R1 and R2 are lossless decomposition of R , if at least one of the functional dependencies is in F+
R1 intesection R2 => R1
R1 intersection R2 => R2

Dependency Preservation

-A decomposition is dependency preserving with respect to F if union if projections of F on each R on each R: is equivalent to F
- F1 union F2 union …….. union Fn ) + = F+

Suppose R = (A,B,C,D,E) is decomposed with R1(A,B,C ) and R2(C,D,E) . is it lossless ? Is it dependency preserving? Consider F = { A=> BC, CD=> E, B=>D, E=> A}

R = (A,B,C,D,E)
F = { A=> BC, CD=> E, B=>D, E=> A}
R1 = (A,B,C ) F1 = { A =>BC}
R2 = (C,D,E ) F2 = {CD => E }
(Not dependency preserving)


  A B C D E
R1 α α α    
R2     α α α

(Lossy) - Because no any rows have all α.


Multi valued and Joined Dependencies

Multivalued Dependencies

- R is the relation schema where α belongsto R and B belongsto R , the α => β denotes multivalues dependency that holds if in any legal relation R® for all pairs for tuples t1 and t2 in r such that t1 [α] = t2 [α] , there exists t3 and t4 such that
T1[α]= T2[α]= T3[α]=T4[α]
t3[R-β] = t2[R – β]
t4[β] = t2[R-β]

- It express a condition among tuples that exists when :
1. more than one many many relation
2. certain attribute become independent of one another
3. their values must appear in all combinations

Joined Dependency

A join dependency denoted by J(R1,R2,R3.. Rn) on R specifies a constraint on states r of R such that every legal state r of R is equal to join of its projections on R1, R2 …. Rn

-pi R1® * pi R2® * ……* pi Rn® = r

Normal Forms: 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF and DKNF


Database normalization is the process of removing redundant data from tables ensuring data dependencies so as to improve storage efficiency ,data integrity and scalability.

Unnormalized Normal Form (UNF)

NO normalization rule are applied.

First Normal Form (1 NF)

- A relational schema R is in 1NF if the domains of all attributes of R are atomic.
- Ensure each table has primary key and minimal sets of attributes which uniquely identify a record.
- Eliminate repeating group (attribute that can have more than one value for a primary key)
- Each attribute must be atomic.

Second Normal Form (2NF)

- A relation is in 2NF if it is in 1NF and every non key attribute is fully dependent on primary key .
- Remove partial functional dependencies into a new relationship.

Third Normal Form (3NF)

-A relation R is said to Be in 3nf id it is in 2nf and every non key attribute is non transitively dependent on primary key .
- R is in 3nf if for all α => B in F+ at least one holds;
Α => β is trivial
Α is super key for R
Each attribute in β – α is contained in candidate key for R
- Remove transitive dependencies into a new relations.

Boyce Codd Normal Form (BCNF)

-It involves decompositions involving relations with more than one candidate key , where candidate keys are composite and overlapping,
-A relation R is in BCNF if every determinant is a candidate key ,
-It is a special case of 3NF .
-R is in BCNF if for all α => β in F+ at least one holds;
Α => β is trivial
Α is super key for R

BCNF and 3NF

-Relation in BCNF has no information repetition but relation in 3NF has information repetition.
-Decomposition in 3nf is lossless and dependency preserving but decomposition in BCNF is not dependency preserving.

Fourth Normal Form (4NF)

- A relation R is in 4nf if for all multivalued dependencies in D + of form α => => β , at least one holds.
α => => β trivial
α is super key for R
Fifth normal form is the form in which the relation R is in 4nf and every join dependency is implied by a candidate key.

- A relation R is in 4nf if for all multivalued dependencies in D + of form α => => β , at least one holds. α => => β trivial α is super key for R Fifth normal form is the form in which the relation R is in 4nf and every join dependency is implied by a candidate key. Domain key normal form (DKNF)

-A relation R is said to be in DKNF if every constraint of R is a logical consequence of domain constraints and key constraints.
-It is free from any anomalies.

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