Water Supply Engineering

Course Objective:
This course is aimed at teaching the students the functions of the various components of the water supply system, water resources and their utilization, determination of water demand, water quality, intake construction, water treatment technology and construction of water mains and distribution.

  1. Introduction   [2 hours]
    1. Importance of water
    2. Definition of types of water
      1. Pure and impure water
      2. Potable and wholesome water
      3. Polluted and contaminated water
    3. Historical development of water supply system
    4. Objectives of water supply system
    5. Schematic diagram of typical water supply system
    6. Components of water supply system and their functions
  1. Sources of Water    [4 hours]
    1. Classification of sources of water
    2. Surface sources
      1. Rivers
      2. Streams
      3. Lakes
      4. Ponds
      5. Impounded reservoir
      6. Numerical on capacity determination of impounded reservoir
    3. Ground sources
      1. Confined and unconfined aquifers
      2. Springs
      3. Wells
      4. Infiltration galleries and wells
    4. Selection of water sources
  1. Quantity of Water     [5 hours]
    1. Per capita demand of water
    2. Design and base periods
      1. Typical design and base periods
      2. Selection basis
      3. Design and base years
    3. Types of water demand
      1. Domestic demand
      2. Livestock demand
      3. Commercial demand
      4. Public/municipal demand
      5. Industrial demand
      6. Fire fighting demand
      7. Loss and wastage
      8. Total water demand
    4. Variation in demand of water
    5. Peak factor
    6. Factors affecting demand of water
    7. Population forecasting - necessity and methods
      1. Arithmetical increase method
      2. Geometrical increase method
      3. Incremental increase method
      4. Decrease rate of growth method
    8. Numerical on population forecasting and water demands
  1. Quality of Water     [5 hours]
    1. Impurities in water, their classification and effects
      1. Suspended impurities
      2.  Colloidal impurities
      3. Dissolved impurities
    2. Hardness and alkalinity
      1. Types of hardness
      2. Types of alkalinity
      3. Relation between hardness and alkalinity
      4. Numerical on hardness and alkalinity
    3. Living organisms in water
      1. Algae
      2. Bacteria
      3. Viruses
      4. Worms
    4. Water related diseases
      1. Water borne diseases
      2. Water washed diseases
      3. Water based diseases
      4. Water vector diseases
      5. Transmission routes
      6. Preventive measures
    5. Examination of water
      1. Physical examination of water(tests for temperature, color and turbidity)
      2. Chemical examination of water (tests for pH, suspended, dissolved and total solids)
      3. Biological examination of water(multiple tube and membrane fermentation method), most probable number
    6. Water quality standard for drinking purpose
  1. Intakes      [3 hours]
    1. Definition
    2. Site selection of an intake
    3. Classification of intake
    4. Characteristics of intake
      1. River intakes
      2. Reservoir intake
      3. Spring intake
  1. Water Treatment      [14 hours]
    1. Objectives of water treatment
    2. Treatment processes and impurity removal
    3. Screening
      1. Purpose
      2. Coarse, medium and fine screens
    4. Plain Sedimentation
      1. Purpose
      2. Theory of settlement
        1. Derivation of Stoke's law
        2. Temperature effect on settlement
      3. Ideal sedimentation tank
      4. Types of sedimentation tank
      5. Design of sedimentation tank
      6. Numerical on theory and design of sedimentation tank
    5. Sedimentation with coagulation
      1. Purpose
      2. Coagulants (types and their chemical reactions)
      3. Mixing devices (purpose and types)
      4. Flocculation tanks
      5. Clarifier
      6. Jar test
    6. Filtration
      1. Purpose
      2. Theory of filtration
      3. Types of filters
        1. Slow sand filter
        2. Rapid sand filter
        3. Pressure filter
      4. Numerical on dimensions and units of filters
    7. Disinfection
      1. Purpose
      2. Methods of disinfection (introduction only)
      3. Chlorination (theory, chlorine demand, chlorine dose, residual chlorine, contact time
      4. Types of chlorine (hypochlorites, chloramines, liquid/gas chlorine)
      5. Forms of chlorination (plain chlorination, pre chlorination, post chlorination, double chlorination, multiple chlorination, breakpoint chlorination, super chlorination, dechlorination)
      6. Factors affecting efficiency of chlorination
    8. Softening
      1. Purpose
      2. Removal of temporary hardness
        1. Boiling method
        2. Lime treatment method
      3. Removal of permanent hardness
        1. Lime soda method
        2. Zeolite method
        3. Ionizaton method
    9. Miscellaneous treatments
      1. Aeration
        1. Purpose
        2. Methods of aeration
      2. Removal of iron and manganese
      3. Removal of color, odor and taste
  1. Reservoirs and Distribution System  [6 hours]
    1. System of supply
      1. Continuous system
      2. Intermittent system
    2. Clear water reservoirs
    3. Service reservoirs
      1. Purpose and Construction
      2. Types of service reservoirs
    4. Numerical on capacity determination of service reservoirs
    5. Layout of distribution system
      1. Tree system
      2. Grid iron system
      3. Ring system
      4. Radial system
    6. Design of distribution system
      1. Pipe hydraulics
      2. Design criteria
      3. Design steps
      4. Hard cross method
    7. Numerical on design of branched and looped water distribution systems
  1. Conveyance of Water [3 hours]
    1. Pipe materials
      1. Requirements of good material
      2. Types of pipe material – CI, GI, steel, concrete, PVC, PPR, DI pipes
    2. Pipe joints
      1. Purpose
      2. Types – socket and spigot, flanged, expansion, collar and screwed socket joints
    3. Laying of pipes
  1. Valves and Fittings  [3 hours]
    1. Valves
      1. Purpose
      2. Types – sluice, reflux, safety, air and drain valves
    2. Fittings
      1. Purpose
      2. Types – stop cocks, water taps, bends, reducers, tees
    3. Break pressure tank – purpose and construction
    4. Public standpost
      1. Purpose
      2. Location
      3. flows
      4. Construction
    5. Maintenance of water supply system
      1. Necessity
      2. Methods-regular and emergency



  1. BC. Punmia, Ashok Kuamr Jain and Arun Kumar Jain, "Water Supply Engineering", Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 1998
  2. P.N. Modi, "Water Supply engineering", Standard Book House, Delhi, 1998
  3. G.S. Birdie and J.S. Birdie, "Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering", Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company (P) Ltd,. New Delhi, 2002
  4. K.N. Duggal, "Elements of Environmental Engineering"' S. Chand and company Ltd.., New Delhi, 1997


  1. Determination of temperature, color, turbidity and pH
  2. Determination of suspended, dissolved and total solids
  3. Determination dissolved oxygen by Winkler method
  4. Determination of optimum dose of coagulant by jar test apparatus


  1. Introduction  (1 hour)

Definitions, Schematic diagrams of typical Urban and Rural water supply systems

  1. Sources of Water  (1 hour)

Definitions, Numerical on capacity determination of impounded reservoir by analytical method

  1. Quantity of Water  (2 hours)

Definitions, Numerical on population forecasting by Arithmetical Increase Method, Geometrical Increase Method, Incremental Increase Method and Decrease Rate of Growth Method, Numerical on determination of water demands of a community

  1. Quality of Water      (2 hours)

Definitions, Relation between hardness and alkalinity, Numerical on hardness and alkalinity, Numerical on water quality

  1. Intakes     (1 hour)

Definitions, Typical figures of River, Reservoir and Spring intakes

  1. Water Treatment     (3 hours)

Definitions, Derivation of Stoke's law of settlement, Design criteria of sedimentation tank, Numerical on theory and design of sedimentation tank, Numerical on determination of size and numbers of filters, Numerical on chlorine demand, chlorine dose and residual chlorine

  1. Reservoirs and Distribution System     (3 hours)

Definitions, Consumption pattern, Criteria of service reservoir capacity determination, Numerical on determination of service reservoir capacity, Pipe hydraulic, Design criteria of distribution systems, Derivation of flow correction by Hardy Cross Method

  1. Conveyance of Water     (1 hour)

Definitions, Typical figures of pipe joints

  1. Valves and Fittings     (1 hour)

Definitions, Typical figures of valves

Evaluation Scheme:
The questions will cover all the chapters of the syllabus. The evaluation scheme will be as indicated in the table below.


Lecture Hours

Tutorial Hours

Marks Distribution*









































*Note: There may be minor deviation in marks distribution.

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