Urban and Settlement Planning

Course Objectives
The course aims at familiarizing the students with the social, economic and organizational perspectives at national regional and local levels as a context in which  architectural product is likely to be placed. This will also provide the necessary background for making informed choices for further studies in related specialized disciplines. Special reference will be made to the problems of urbanization in Nepal
Specifically it aims to study about various concepts of planning and get exposed to the various aspect of planning process

Course Topics:

  1. Introduction[4 hours]
    1. Definition and concept of Planning, elements of human settlement- role of man and society in
    2. the growth and decay of human settlements, planning objectives, benefits
    3. Planning as interdisciplinary subject
    4. Historical and traditional settlements, Urban and rural characters of settlements, squatter settlements -examples from Nepal
    5. Concept of urban and rural settlement planning

  2. Urban/City Planning
    1. Planning concepts[10hours]
      1. Morphology of the city and social/economical/political and technological processes in city growth  
      2. Introduction to theoretical models of planning
        contribution to planning thought- Sir Patric Gedds, Sir Ebenezer Howard, CA Perry, Le Corbusier, Doxiadis, Lewis Mumford-Relevance to Nepali Planning context
    2. Development Plans[14 hours]
      1. Various types of plans- National plan-regional plan- master plan- structure plan-zonal development plan-local development plan -their general scope, content, planning process and planning guidelines
      2. Land-use Planning - comprehensive land use plan and its functions
      3. Subdivision and zoning byelaws
      4. Steps needed to develop land-use plan
    3. Planning Practice in Nepal[4 hours]
      Historical over view on Nepalese Planning Practice-both Rural and Urban Planning
      Contemporary planning practice - comprehensive planning, participatory planning- examples
      Planning Institutions and Planning Issues

  3. Rural Planning[4 hours]
    1. Concept of rural planning
      1. Rural planning, development planning, approaches to rural development, integrated rural development, urbanization and rural development, rural service centers
      2. Nepal's experience in rural development- growth axes and IRD
      3. Urbanization in Nepal and linkages to rural development (Urban Rural relations)

  4. Essential features of urban/rural planning[10 hours]
    1. Demography/population studies, population composition, structure, characteristics
    2. Employment-basic and non basic form of employment
    3. Utilities and services- water supply/drainage, sewerage/sanitation, electricity, transportation-types and patterns

  5. Urban and Rural Planning[8 hours]
    1. Essential features of urban/rural planning
      For data collection- Survey (sampling technique, types of surveys), Statistical analysis -mean/mode/medium, standard deviation, corrections, regression, variance
      Population projection, growth rate calculation, demand forecasts and calculation of carrying capacity

  6. Case Study[6 hours]
    Case Study of Planning related problem and its solution.
  1. The urban Pattern
  2. Principals and Practice of Town and Country Planning, Lewis Keeble
  3. Kathmandu Valley Physical Development Plan, 1968
  4. HK Wolff/P. R. Pant: Social Science Research and Thesis Writing, Buddha Publishers, Putalisadak
  5. Dr.Jibgar Joshi : Sustainable Urban Development
  6. Dr.Harkha Gurung: Dimensions of Development.
Evaluation Scheme:



Marks  Distribution*






















*Note: There may be minor deviation in marks distribution

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