Industrial Attachment

Course Objective:
To visit and work in different kinds of automobile enterprises (industries, services center, and workshops) within or outside the country. To study the existing technology, organizational behavior, structure and management system of the enterprises. The main purpose of this attachment is to boost up practical knowledge, skills and develop professionalism within the students.

Duration: One month

General Procedures:
Students in groups will be placed in different automobile enterprises for the duration of one month. The department shall assign 3 faculty member for a batch of 48 students. They will be assigned to perform available work in the industry supervised by the assigned engineer/technician from the enterprises. Students should collect information related to repair & maintenance, production & management and involve in regular activities of the enterprises assigned to them. Students should be evaluated at the end of attachment.
After the completion of their attachment each group has to submit the report and give presentation to the committee formed by the department.
The report should be as per the guidelines provided by the department and should include technical as well as managerial part of the enterprises.

Evaluation Scheme:
The evaluation scheme will be indicated in the table below:



Evaluation by supervisor from enterprises


Evaluation of written report






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