Engineering Materials

Course objective:
After completion of this course, student will be familiar about the fundamental properties of construction material.

  1. Introduction (3 hours)
    1. Scope of the subject
    2. Type of building material
    3. Physical properties of material
    4. Mechanical properties of material
    5. Thermal properties of material
    6. Other properties of material
  1. Metals  (4 hours)
    1. Introduction
    2. Categorization of metals – ferrous and non ferrous
    3. Short description of Ferrous metals:- pig iron, cast iron, wrought  iron and steels
    4. Short description of Non-Ferrous metals- Aluminum
    5. Different steel alloys  and their uses
    6. Defects in steel
    7. Mechanical treatment of steel
  1. Properties of steel (12 hours)
    1. Microstructure examination of steel
    2. Elastic and plastic behavior of metals
    3. Ductility, resilience and stiffness of steel
    4. Hardness and toughness of steel
    5. Other mechanical properties
    6. Deformation of steel
    7. Stress strain relationship
    8. Modulus of elasticity and Poisson’s ratio
    9. Effect of repetitive and dynamic forces on steel
    10. Corrosion and its prevention
      1. Introduction
      2. Factors influencing corrosion
      3. General types of corrosion
      4. Control and Prevention of corrosion
    11. Heat treatment of steel
    12. Fracture modes of metal
  1. Wood (5 hours)
    1. Definition
    2. Classification of trees
    3. Soft wood and hard wood
    4. Physical, mechanical and thermal properties of timber
    5. Defects  in timber
    6. Seasoning of timber
    7. Commercial forms of wood
    8. Fracture modes of timber
    9. Properties of a good timber
    10. Advantages and disadvantages of wood
  1. Ceramic materials (6 hours)
    1. Introduction
    2. Composition of break earth
    3. Physical and mechanical properties of brick
    4. Types of tiles
    5. Physical and mechanical properties of tiles
    6. Introduction to sand and aggregate
    7. Test on:
      1. Sand: Bulking of sand, clay content and fineness modulus
      2. Aggregates: Loss Angeles abrasion test
    8. Glasses:
      1. Classification of glass
      2.  Properties and uses of glass
  1. Cementing materials (6 hours)
    1. Definition
    2. Lime:
      1. Introduction, properties and use of lime
      2. Types  of lime
      3. Slaking of lime
    3. Cement
      1. Introduction
      2. Ingredients of cement and their functions
      3. Harmful constituents of cement
      4. Composition of cement clinker
      5. Introduction to types of Cement
      6. Tests on cement – Consistency test, setting time test, fineness test and compressive strength test
  1. Asphalt, Bitumen and Tar (6 hours)
    1. Asphalt
      1. Definition, properties in use of Asphalt
      2.  Types of Asphalt
      3. Forms of Asphalt
    2. Bitumen
      1. Definition, properties and its uses
      2. Forms of Bitumen
    3. Tar
      1. Definition, properties and its uses
      2. Types of Tar     
    4. Definition and use of Pitch
    5. Comparison between asphalt, bitumen and tar
    6. Test on bitumen – penetration test, softening point test, viscosity test and ductility test
  1. Synthetic polymers  (3 hours)
    1. Definition
    2. Basic types of polymer
    3. Properties of polymer
    4. Use of polymers in construction and maintenance works


  1. Microstructure examination of mild steel, alloy steel, aluminum alloy, cast and wood, using optical microscope
  2. Hardness on mild steel, cast iron and alloy steel
  3. Toughness test on mild steel, cast iron and alloy steel
  4. Fracture mechanics of wood
  5. Test on bitumen – Penetration test, softening point test, ductility test and viscosity test
  6. Test on ceramics:

Brick – Compressive strength and water absorption test;
Sand – Clay content, bulking of sand and fiteness modulus test;
Aggregate – los Angeles abrasion test; and
Cement – Consistency test, compressive strength test, fitness test, and setting time test


  1. S.C.Rangawala, “Engineering Materials” Charotar Publication
  2. K.P Roy Chaudhary, “ Engineering Materials” Oxford and IBH Publication
  3. Peter A. Thornton and Vito J. colangela, "Fundamentals of engineering materials"
  4. Sushil Kumar, "Engineering material", Standard publication

Evaluation Scheme:
The question will cover all the chapters of the syllabus. The evaluation scheme will be as indicated in the table below:



Marks Distribution*




























*Note: There may be minor deviation in marks distribution

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