CE 76515
Course Objectives:
To provide knowledge of domestic water and wastewater management, household tank capacity design, water treatment for domestic use and waste water management.

  1. Introduction
    (4 hours)
    1. Water sources and use of water in domestic purposes, domestic (drinking, cooking bathing, washing , watering of lawns and gardens, heating and air condition systems)
    2. Impact of using polluted and contaminated water in domestic use
    3. Existing scenario on polluted and contaminated water.
    4. Wastewater quantity and disposal
  2. Quantity and Source Selection
    (4 hours)
    1. Quantity determination
    2. Source selection- supplied water, ground water, rainwater harvesting
    3. Determination of household tank capacity
    4. Use of separate tanks for different purpose
  3. Quality of Water for Domestic Use
    (8 hours)
    1. Types and sources of water pollution
    2. Point and non-point pollution locations
    3. Effects of pollution
    4. River water quantity and collection
    5. Water sampling and examination of water
  4. Treatment
    (16 hours)
    1. Screening
    2. Aeration including protection works
    3. Plain sedimentation
    4. Sedimentation with coagulation
    5. Filtration
    6. Disinfection
    7. Other chemical treatments
    8. Storage system
  5. Wastewater
    (10 houfs)
    1. Wastewater quantity -grey water, black water, yellow water, rain water and sanitary sewage
    2. Collection and use of wastewater in domestic use
    3. Laboratory analysis of water and wastewater sample BOD, COD, TS, VSS and FS
    4. Waste-water treatment
    5. Components: traps, manholes, grit and grease chamber
    6. Constructed wetland
    7. Reed bed treatment (horizontal and vertical)
    8. Vent pipe
    9. Septic tank and soak pit
  6. Solid Waste Management
    (3 hours)
    1. Quantity generated and characteristics
    2. Segregation
    3. Composting and incineration
    4. Use of waste as fertilizer within household
    5. Biogas


  1. Introduction
    (1 hour)
    1. Definition, water in domestic purpose, existing scenario on polluted and contaminated water
  2. Quantity and source selection
    (2 hours)
    1. Quantity determination - supplied water, ground water, rainWater harvesting
    2. Numerical on determination of household tank capacity,
    3. Use of separate tanks for different purpose
  3. Quality of water for domestic use
    (2 hours)
    1. Definition
    2. Level of pollution of ground water at various places
    3. Water sampling and examination of water
  4. Treatment
    (5 hours)
    1. Design on screening, aeration, and its protection works, plain sedimentation, sedimentation with coagulation, filtration, disinfection and other chemical treatments, storage system.
  5. Wastewater:
    (4 hours)
    1. Determination of grey water, black water, yellow water, rain water and sanitary sewage,
    2. Collection and use of wastewater in domestic use
    3. BOD, COD, TS, VSS and FS laboratory analysis
    4. Design of traps, manholes, grit and grease chamber
    5. Design of constructed wetland
    6. Design of reed bed treatment
  6. Solid waste management:
    (1 hour)
    1. Design of composting and incineration
    2. Design of biogas

Practical / Project work:

  1. Small scale household treatment plant
  2. Reed bed treatment
  3. Septic tank and soak pit
  4. Constructed wetland
  5. Compost plant


  1. Walter J. Webber Jr, Wiely-Interscience "Physicochemical Processes For Water Quality Control".
  2. Larry D. Benefield and Clifford W. Randall, "Biological Process Design for Wastewater Treatment", PrenticeHall Inc.
  3. Metcalf & Eddy , "Wastewater Engineering Treatment and Reuse", Inc, McGraw Hill.
  4. Crites and Tchobanoglous, "Small and Decentralized Wastewater Management Systems", McGraw Hill.
  5. S.R. Qasim, E.M.Motley and C. Zhu, "Water Works Engineering Planning, Design & Operation", Prentice-Hall.
  6. A.P. Sincero and G.A. Sincero, "Environmental Engineering", Prentice-Hall.
  7. Soli J Arceivala, "Waste Water Treatment for Pollution Control", Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited.
  8. Larry D. Benefield and Clifford W. Randall, "Biological Process Design for Wastewater Treatment", Prentice-Hall Inc.
  9. George Tchobanoglous, Hilary Theisen, Samuel A. Vigil, "Integrated Solid Waste Management: Engineering Principles and Management Issues', McGraw-Hill International Editions
  10. WHO Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality

Evaluation Scheme:
The questions will cover all the chapters in the syllabus. The evaluation scheme will be as indicated in the table below:



Marks Distribution*






















*There could be minor deviation in mark distribution.

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