ME 76505

Course Objectives:

To develops an idea of designing and selecting of civil components, mechanical components, electrical components and transmission system.

  1. Introduction to design of micro-hydropower system
    (2 hours)
    1. Introduction to MHP system design
    2. Planning concepts
    3. Evaluation of MHP requirements
  2. Layout design of civil components of MHP system
    (12 hours)
    1. Overview of civil components of MHP system
    2. Intake and weir
      1. Overview of diversion weir
      2. Overview of intake
        1. Side intake
        2. Bottom intake
      3. Trashrack
        1. Overview of trashrack
    3. Headrace canal
      1. Overview of headrace canal
      2. Design criteria of the headrace canal
      3. Design for headrace canal
    4. Spillway
      1. Overview of spillway
      2. Design of spillway
    5. Settling basins
      1. Overview of settling basins
      2. Components of settling basin
      3. Design of settling basin
    6. Fore-bay
      1. Overview of fore-bay
      2. Design of fore-bay
    7. Penstock
      1. Overview of penstock
      2. Design of the penstock pipe
    8. Anchor blocks
      1. Overview of anchor blocks
      2. Design criteria of anchor blocks
    9. Support piers
      1. Overview of support piers
      2. Design of support piers
    10. Expansion joints
      1. Overview of expansion joints
      2. Sizing of expansion joints
    11. Powerhouse
      1. Overview of power house
      2. Design and requirement of power house
      3. Overview of tailrace
  3. Design and Selection of mechanical components of MHP system
    (9 hours)
    1. Selection of turbines and its components
      1. Introduction of turbines
      2. Types of turbines
      3. Selection Criteria
      4. Main component of turbine (housing, rotor, guide van etc)
    2. Selection of turbine based on load demand
      1. Selection chart
      2. Calculation of specific number
    3. Valves
      1. Introduction of valves
      2. Sealing system
      3. Valve specification
    4. Plant efficiency
      1. Hydraulic components
      2. Efficiency of turbine
      3. Efficiency of transmission system belt
      4. Efficiency of generator
    5. Power output calculation
    6. Turbine sizing
  4. Selection of electro-mechanical equipment
    (9 hours)
    1. Introduction of different belts :Vee belt, tooth belt, flat belt ,Selection of belt
    2. Pulley: Introduction of pulleys
    3. Coupling :Introduction of different couplings, Selection of couplings
    4. Gear box
    5. Safety measures of MHP equipment
      1. De-silting basin
      2. Fore-bay structure
      3. Water convey pipe line
      4. Valves
      5. Turbines
      6. Belt and coupling
  5. Selection of electrical components of MHP scheme
    (5 hours)
    1. Generator - type and size
      1. Synchronous generator
      2. Induction generator
    2. Selection of generator type
    3. Determination of size of generator
    4. Speed governing system
      1. Conventional oil pressure mechanical governor
      2. Electronic governor
  6. Selection of Transformer
    (4 hours)
    1. Introduction of transformer
    2. Constructional details of transformer
    3. Selection of transformer rating and specification
    4. Operation and maintenance of transformer
    5. Safety measures
  7. Selection of Transmission and distribution lines
    (4 hours)
    1. Selection of transmission voltage
    2. Selection of underground or overhead lines
    3. Sizing of overhead transmission line conductor
    4. Installation of transmission and distribution lines
      1. Steps before installing transmission line
      2. Installation procedure
      3. Installation of distribution and service line
      4. Earthing
      5. Lightning arrester
    5. Grid connection of MHP plant
      1. Synchronizing MHP plant with SG to the grid
      2. Synchronizing MHP plant with IG to the grid


Practical means project work and report have to be submitted at the end of the course. The report should be around 20-30 pages plus appendix.

  1. Case study
  2. Design of different components


  1. Adam Harvey, “Micro Hydro design Manual”, Intermediate Technology Publication.
  2. Win Hulsher and Peter Frankel, “The Power Guide, Intermediate Technology Publication.
  3. “Manuals on MHP for Installation and Commissioning, Maintenance and Repair, Operation and Management”, ICIMOD.
  4. Dr. Rajendra Shrestha, “Basics of micro hydropower (AE 123)”, Course Manual for Department of Alternative Energy Tumba College of Technology Rwanda, 2009
  5. Dr. Rajendra Shrestha, “Reference Book on Beginner’s Micro Hydropower Plant”, Graphic International Nepal.

Evaluation Scheme:

The questions will cover all the chapters in the syllabus. The evaluation scheme will be as indicated in the table below:

Unit Chapter Topics Marks*
1 1 & 5 all 16
2 2 all 16
3 3 all 16
4 4 all 16
5 6 & 7 all 16
Total 80

*There could be minor deviation in mark distribution.

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