ME 76505
Course Objectives:
To develops an idea of designing and selecting of civil components, mechanical components, electrical components and
transmission system.
- Introduction to design of micro-hydropower system
(2 hours)
- Introduction to MHP system design
- Planning concepts
- Evaluation of MHP requirements
- Layout design of civil components of MHP system
(12 hours)
- Overview of civil components of MHP system
- Intake and weir
- Overview of diversion weir
- Overview of intake
- Side intake
- Bottom intake
- Trashrack
- Overview of trashrack
- Headrace canal
- Overview of headrace canal
- Design criteria of the headrace canal
- Design for headrace canal
- Spillway
- Overview of spillway
- Design of spillway
- Settling basins
- Overview of settling basins
- Components of settling basin
- Design of settling basin
- Fore-bay
- Overview of fore-bay
- Design of fore-bay
- Penstock
- Overview of penstock
- Design of the penstock pipe
- Anchor blocks
- Overview of anchor blocks
- Design criteria of anchor blocks
- Support piers
- Overview of support piers
- Design of support piers
- Expansion joints
- Overview of expansion joints
- Sizing of expansion joints
- Powerhouse
- Overview of power house
- Design and requirement of power house
- Overview of tailrace
- Design and Selection of mechanical components of MHP system
(9 hours)
- Selection of turbines and its components
- Introduction of turbines
- Types of turbines
- Selection Criteria
- Main component of turbine (housing, rotor, guide van etc)
- Selection of turbine based on load demand
- Selection chart
- Calculation of specific number
- Valves
- Introduction of valves
- Sealing system
- Valve specification
- Plant efficiency
- Hydraulic components
- Efficiency of turbine
- Efficiency of transmission system belt
- Efficiency of generator
- Power output calculation
- Turbine sizing
- Selection of electro-mechanical equipment
(9 hours)
- Introduction of different belts :Vee belt, tooth belt, flat belt ,Selection of belt
- Pulley: Introduction of pulleys
- Coupling :Introduction of different couplings, Selection of couplings
- Gear box
- Safety measures of MHP equipment
- De-silting basin
- Fore-bay structure
- Water convey pipe line
- Valves
- Turbines
- Belt and coupling
- Selection of electrical components of MHP scheme
(5 hours)
- Generator - type and size
- Synchronous generator
- Induction generator
- Selection of generator type
- Determination of size of generator
- Speed governing system
- Conventional oil pressure mechanical governor
- Electronic governor
- Selection of Transformer
(4 hours)
- Introduction of transformer
- Constructional details of transformer
- Selection of transformer rating and specification
- Operation and maintenance of transformer
- Safety measures
- Selection of Transmission and distribution lines
(4 hours)
- Selection of transmission voltage
- Selection of underground or overhead lines
- Sizing of overhead transmission line conductor
- Installation of transmission and distribution lines
- Steps before installing transmission line
- Installation procedure
- Installation of distribution and service line
- Earthing
- Lightning arrester
- Grid connection of MHP plant
- Synchronizing MHP plant with SG to the grid
- Synchronizing MHP plant with IG to the grid
Practical means project work and report have to be submitted at the end of the course. The report should be around
20-30 pages plus appendix.
- Case study
- Design of different components
- Adam Harvey, “Micro Hydro design Manual”, Intermediate Technology Publication.
- Win Hulsher and Peter Frankel, “The Power Guide, Intermediate Technology Publication.
- “Manuals on MHP for Installation and Commissioning, Maintenance and Repair, Operation and Management”, ICIMOD.
- Dr. Rajendra Shrestha, “Basics of micro hydropower (AE 123)”, Course Manual for Department of Alternative Energy
Tumba College of Technology Rwanda, 2009
- Dr. Rajendra Shrestha, “Reference Book on Beginner’s Micro Hydropower Plant”, Graphic International Nepal.
Evaluation Scheme:
The questions will cover all the chapters in the syllabus. The evaluation scheme will be as indicated in the table
Unit |
Chapter |
Topics |
Marks* |
1 |
1 & 5 |
all |
16 |
2 |
2 |
all |
16 |
3 |
3 |
all |
16 |
4 |
4 |
all |
16 |
5 |
6 & 7 |
all |
16 |
Total |
80 |
*There could be minor deviation in mark distribution.