ME 76509

Course Objectives:

To prepare students for the automobile engineering enterprises in the country and abroad.

  1. Fundamentals of Automobile Overhaul
    (15 hours)
    1. Introduction. Scope and importance
    2. Overhauling of engines. Machines and equipment for overhauling. Lifting and handling equipment, measuring and quality control equipment, their operation. Overhauling by over sizing and under sizing of components. Overhauling by rebuilding of components. Overhauling by replacement of components.
    3. Diesel pump overhauling
    4. Quality control. Post-overhaul running and testing of engines
    5. Overhauling of electrical components. Motors and generators. Overhauling by replacement of parts.
  2. Service Stations and Maintenance / Repair Shops
    (10 hours)
    1. Introduction. Differentiation. Scope. Types
    2. Service station. Functions. Equipment
    3. Maintenance/Repair Shop
      1. Function. Equipment and Process.
      2. Lifting and transportation equipment
      3. Cleaning and lubricating equipment
      4. Measuring and calibrating equipment
      5. Diagnostic equipment
    4. Types and scopes of maintenances
    5. Specialized maintenance shops
      1. Electricals
      2. Aircons
      3. Battery
      4. Chassis and body
      5. Engine
      6. Tyres
    6. Dynamometric testing
      1. Engine
      2. Brake
    7. Planning and designing of Service stations and maintenance shops
  3. Gas station, Petrol Pump and Charging Stations
    (4 hours)
    1. Introduction. Role. Queueing theory
    2. Fuel dispensing station. Equipment. Safety.
      1. Economics of enterprise
      2. Planning and designing
    3. Gas dispensing station. Equipment. Safety
      1. Economics of enterprise
      2. Planning and designing
    4. Motive Battery charging station. Equipment. Safety
      1. Economics of enterprise
      2. Planning and designing
  4. Tyre manufacturing and tyre repair shop
    (4 hours)
    1. Introduction . Economics of tyre. Market size
    2. Introduction to tyre, tube manufacturing technology
      1. Raw materials
    3. Volcanizing and chemical process of tyre manufacturing
    4. Tyre resoling technology.
      1. Technological of hot resoling
      2. Technology of cold resoling. Franchises
      3. Defects in resoling and their remedies
  5. Repainting and denting of automobiles
    (5 hours)
    1. Introduction. Scope. Process
    2. Denting. Process. Tools and equipment
    3. Painting. Process. Tools and equipment. Introduction to chemistry of paints.
  6. Fundamentals of Automobile body building
    (7 hours)
    1. Introduction and Scope
    2. Basics of body design. Forces and stress on body.
    3. Materials and components for body building
    4. Designing of bus and passenger car body.
    5. Equipment and process


  1. Practical means project work and report have to be submitted at the end of the course. The report should be around 20-30 pages plus appendix.
  2. Case study of any one existing enterprises
  3. Detailed study of some overhauling equipment
  4. Designing of one commercial enterprise including technical and financial analysis.


  1. Selar D, “Auto Repair for Dummies”, Wiley.
  2. Livesey A., A. Robinson, “The Repair of Vehicle Bodies”, Taylor and Francis.
  3. Dorries E H. Thomson, “TechOne: Automotive Engine Repair”, Delmar Learnings.
  4. Gilles T, “Automotive Engines Diagnosis, Repair, Rebuilding”,. Cengage Learning.
  5. Anderson P, “Start your own Auto Repair Shop”, Wiley.
  6. “Business Plan for your Auto Repair Shop”, ed. Matters J, Wiley.
  7. Beckwith H., “Selling the invisible; a field Guide to Modern Marketing”, Kindle Edition, New York.

Evaluation Scheme:

The questions will cover all the chapters in the syllabus. The evaluation scheme will be as indicated in the table below:

Unit Chapter Topics Marks*
1 1 1.1 to 1.3 16
2 1 1.4 & 1.5 16
5 all
3 2 all 16
4 3 & 4 all 16
5 6 all 16
Total 80

*There could be minor deviation in mark distribution.

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