Building Science I

Course Objective:
  1. To introduce the concept of architectural Climatology and Thermal Aspects in relation to architectural design
  2. To deal with the use of Climatology and Thermal Aspects for comfort and security in building and built up environment
  1. Climatology (16 hours)                                                       
    1. Climatology                  
      1. Introduction and Objectives of Climatology
      2. Climate, Weather, Micro & Macro & Urban climate
      3. Climatic factors – Solar radiation, wind, temperature, humidity, precipitation, sky condition & secondary factors
      4. Climates of the world & Nepal
    2. Solar Radiation            
      1. Type of Solar Radiation – Direct, Diffuse & Reflected
      2. Solar Radiation – Absorption & Reflection on Earth
      3. Geometry of Solar movement
      4. Solar Chart & its uses
    3. Solar Radiation & its control
      1. Solar radiation control techniques – Orientation, vegetation, water body, color, texture
      2. Shading devices – Internal & External
      3. Shadow angles for shading devices
      4. Design of external shading devices (Calculation)
      5. Selective Transmittance

  2. Thermal Aspects(14 hours)
    1. Concept of Thermal Aspects
      1. Heat transmission – Conduction, Convection & Radiation
      2. Absorptivity & Reflectivity & Emissivity
      3. Thermal Resistivity, Conductivity & Transmittance
      4. Sol-air temperature, Solar gain factor,
    2. Heat exchange in a building
      1. Heat gain & loss in a building
      2. Thermal balance in a room
      3. Thermal Transmittance – wall, roof
      4. Calculation of thermal transmittance of walls
      5. Time lag & Decrement factor
    3. Thermal Comfort and Thermal Control Techniques 
      1. Thermal balance for human body
      2. Thermal comfort in a room
      3. Thermal Control Techniques in hot climate
      4. Thermal Control Techniques in cool climate
      5. Thermal Resistance & Insulation

  3. Different Shelters For Different Climates (5 hours)
    1. Different shelters in different climatic zones of Nepal
      1. Terai
      2. Hilly & Kathmandu Valley
      3. Mountain
    2. Different shelters in different climatic zones of world
      1. Warm humid
      2. Hot arid
      3. Composite
      4. Cold

  4. Shelters For Different Condition (10 hours)
    1. Earthquake Resistant Building design
    2. Buildings design with respect to wind movement
    3. Building design in high and low humidity & Condensation
    4. Building & Internal Comfort
    5. Building design according to By-laws
Observation and study of table with weather records of various places
  1. Find out annual temperature graph & comfort range of different places
  2. Calculation of Solar angles of different places from solar chart
  3. Calculation of shadow angles for shading devices
  4. Calculation of thermal transmittance of composite walls
  5. Report of Climatology & Thermal Aspects (from above all) 
  6. Observation. Study and analysis of vernacular design and construction of shelters in different climatic zone of Nepal.                         
  7. Unit Test
  1. Koenigsberger, Ingersoll, 1975 “Manual of Tropical Housing and Building” –  Orient Longman, Chennai, India,
  2. S V Szokolay, A krishan, 2001 “Climate Responsive Architecture” –  Tata McGraw- Hill, New Delhi, India
  3. Esmond Reid “Understanding Building” -.
  4. Er. B Pahari,2002”Passive Building-Concept & Design” KEC, Lalitpur, Nepal
  5. F L Hong “Architect's guide to climate design” - united architects of the Philippines
  6. “Climatological Records of Nepal” – Dept of Meteorology, GON,
  7. S. Shresth, 1988 “Economic and Human geography of Nepal”- Education Enterprises, Nepal
  8. J M Boch-Isaacson,1987 “Architecture & Construction management in the highland and remote areas of Nepal” - Sahayogi Press, Nepal
  9. G Toffin, 1981”Man and His House in the Himalayas”- Sterling Publishers, India
  10. S. Nienhuys, 2003, “Insulation for Houses in high altitudes” Renewable Energy Documents-2003, SNV Nepal
  11. Different websites
Evaluation Scheme:



Marks Distribution*
















*Note:There may be minor deviation in marks distribution.

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