Building Science I
Course Objective:
- To introduce the concept of architectural Climatology and Thermal Aspects in relation to architectural design
- To deal with the use of Climatology and Thermal Aspects for comfort and security in building and built up environment
- Climatology (16 hours)
- Climatology
- Introduction and Objectives of Climatology
- Climate, Weather, Micro & Macro & Urban climate
- Climatic factors – Solar radiation, wind, temperature, humidity, precipitation, sky condition & secondary factors
- Climates of the world & Nepal
- Solar Radiation
- Type of Solar Radiation – Direct, Diffuse & Reflected
- Solar Radiation – Absorption & Reflection on Earth
- Geometry of Solar movement
- Solar Chart & its uses
- Solar Radiation & its control
- Solar radiation control techniques – Orientation, vegetation, water body, color, texture
- Shading devices – Internal & External
- Shadow angles for shading devices
- Design of external shading devices (Calculation)
- Selective Transmittance
- Thermal Aspects(14 hours)
- Concept of Thermal Aspects
- Heat transmission – Conduction, Convection & Radiation
- Absorptivity & Reflectivity & Emissivity
- Thermal Resistivity, Conductivity & Transmittance
- Sol-air temperature, Solar gain factor,
- Heat exchange in a building
- Heat gain & loss in a building
- Thermal balance in a room
- Thermal Transmittance – wall, roof
- Calculation of thermal transmittance of walls
- Time lag & Decrement factor
- Thermal Comfort and Thermal Control Techniques
- Thermal balance for human body
- Thermal comfort in a room
- Thermal Control Techniques in hot climate
- Thermal Control Techniques in cool climate
- Thermal Resistance & Insulation
- Different Shelters For Different Climates (5 hours)
- Different shelters in different climatic zones of Nepal
- Terai
- Hilly & Kathmandu Valley
- Mountain
- Different shelters in different climatic zones of world
- Warm humid
- Hot arid
- Composite
- Cold
- Shelters For Different Condition (10 hours)
- Earthquake Resistant Building design
- Buildings design with respect to wind movement
- Building design in high and low humidity & Condensation
- Building & Internal Comfort
- Building design according to By-laws
Observation and study of table with weather records of various places
- Find out annual temperature graph & comfort range of different places
- Calculation of Solar angles of different places from solar chart
- Calculation of shadow angles for shading devices
- Calculation of thermal transmittance of composite walls
- Report of Climatology & Thermal Aspects (from above all)
- Observation. Study and analysis of vernacular design and construction of shelters in different climatic zone of Nepal.
- Unit Test
- Koenigsberger, Ingersoll, 1975 “Manual of Tropical Housing and Building” – Orient Longman, Chennai, India,
- S V Szokolay, A krishan, 2001 “Climate Responsive Architecture” – Tata McGraw- Hill, New Delhi, India
- Esmond Reid “Understanding Building” -.
- Er. B Pahari,2002”Passive Building-Concept & Design” KEC, Lalitpur, Nepal
- F L Hong “Architect's guide to climate design” - united architects of the Philippines
- “Climatological Records of Nepal” – Dept of Meteorology, GON,
- S. Shresth, 1988 “Economic and Human geography of Nepal”- Education Enterprises, Nepal
- J M Boch-Isaacson,1987 “Architecture & Construction management in the highland and remote areas of Nepal” - Sahayogi Press, Nepal
- G Toffin, 1981”Man and His House in the Himalayas”- Sterling Publishers, India
- S. Nienhuys, 2003, “Insulation for Houses in high altitudes” Renewable Energy Documents-2003, SNV Nepal
- Different websites
Evaluation Scheme:
Chapters |
Hours |
Marks Distribution* |
1 |
16 |
30 |
2 |
14 |
24 |
3 |
5 |
8 |
4 |
10 |
18 |
Total |
80 |
*Note:There may be minor deviation in marks distribution.