Automobile Engines

Course Objective: To make students able to understand construction and operation of IC engine, fuels and combustion of fuels in SI and CI engine performance test procedure and formation of exhaust emissions and their controlling measures.

  1. Introduction to Automobiles (2 hours)
    1. History of development
    2. Classification of motor vehicles
    3. Components of an automobile
    4. Introduction of automobile engines

  2. Overview of thermodynamics of fuel-air cycles and real cycles (5 hours)
    1. Otto cycle, Diesel cycle, Atkinson cycle, Stirling cycle, Brayton cycle
    2. Assumptions in fuel air cycle analysis
    3. Composition of cylinder gases
    4. Related numerical problems on fuel air cycles

  3. Engine Construction and operation (8 hours)
    1. Classification of automotive engines
    2. Operation of four stroke and two stroke engines
    3. Construction and working principle of SI and CI engines
    4. Major engine components: Cylinder head, cylinder block, crankcase, piston, crankshaft, connecting rod, flywheel, etc
    5. Valve mechanism and valve timing diagram

  4. Engine Fuels (5 hours)
    1. Basic requirements of engine fuels
    2. Chemical structure of petroleum
    3. Heat value of fuels
    4. Combustion equation for hydrocarbon fuels
    5. Properties and ratings of petrol and diesel fuels

  5. Fuel system in SI engine (8 hours)
    1. Components of carbureted fuel system
    2. Construction, working principle and types of carburetor
    3. Systems of carburetor
    4. Fuel pump, fuel filter, air filter
    5. Petrol injection system
    6. Electronic Fuel Injection systems (EFI)
    7. Multi-point fuel injection system (MPFI)

  6. Fuel system in CI engine (6 hours)
    1. Components of diesel fuel system
    2. Operation of fuel feed pump, fuel injection pump and injection nozzle
    3. Types of fuel injection pump
    4. Types of fuel injector
    5. Governor, types and its working
    6. Calibration of fuel injection pump
    7. Common rail direct injection system (CRDI)
    8. Combustion chamber of diesel engines
    9. Turbo charging and super charging

  7. Ignition systems (8 hours)
    1. Components and function of ignition system
    2. Types of ignition system
    3. Battery point ignition system
    4. Ignition timing
    5. Ignition advance mechanism
    6. Magneto ignition system
    7. Electronic ignition system
    8. Capacitive discharge ignition system
    9. Distributor less ignition system

  8. Engine lubrication systems (5 hours)
    1. Engine lubrication system and its types
    2. Hydrodynamic theory of lubrication
    3. Properties of lubricants
    4. Types of lubricants and additives
    5. Grading of lubricating oils

  9. Engine cooling system (5 hours)
    1. Air and water cooling systems
    2. Working principles of air and water cooling systems
    3. Variation of gas temperatures
    4. Components of water cooling system

  10. Engine performance and testing of engines (8 hours)
    1. Performance parameters
    2. Engine power, BHP, Fuel consumption, Air consumption
    3. Engine heat balance sheet
    4. Mechanical efficiency
    5. Engine efficiencies
    6. Engine emissions and emission standards
    7. Engine emissions control systems


  1. Engine dismantling and engine assembly: SI and CI engines.
  2. Identification of engine components and checking them for defects.
  3. Fuel, lubrication, cooling and ignition system component identification and testing.
  4. EFI and CRDI components identification and testing.
  5. Tailpipe emission testing of given engine.


  1. Heywood, J. B, “Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals”, McGraw Hill Publishing Co., New York.
  2. Sharma, S. P, Chandramohan, “Fuels and Combustion”Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co.
  3. Mathur and Sharma, “A course on Internal combustion Engines”, Dhanpat Rai & Sons.
  4. Pulkrabek, W. W., “Engineering Fundamentals of the Internal Combustion Engine”, Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited.
  5. Prof. P. L. Ballaney, “Internal Combustion Engines”, Khanna Publications, Delhi, India.
  6. R. K. Mohanty, “A Text Book of Internal Combustion Engines”Standard Book House, Delhi, India.
  7. Crouse and Anglin, “Automotive Mechanics”, Mc graw hill education
  8. P. S. Gill, “Automobile Engineering”, Kataria publication
  9. V. M. Domkundwar, “Internal combustion Engine”, Dhanpat Rai publication

Evaluation Scheme:
There will be questions covering all the chapters of the syllabus. The evaluation scheme for the questions will be as indicated in the table below:



2 & 3


4 & 5


6 & 7


8 & 9


1 & 10




*Note: There may be minor deviation in marks distribution.

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