Applied Thermodynamics

Course Objectives: To understand the diverse fields of applications thermodynamics and to implement the laws of thermodynamics and to analyze the working of various components of mechanical systems using laws of thermodynamics.

  1. Boilers(12 hours)
    1. Introduction and applications
    2. Classifications and comparison among various types of boilers
    3. Requirements of an ideal boiler
    4. Boiler mountings and accessories: water level indicator, feed check valve, Blow off cock, steam separator, safety valves, Feed pump, air preheater, super heater and economizer
    5. Water conditioning
      1. Water problems and Benefits of water conditioning
      2. Constituents and Characteristics of water
      3. Types and causes of scale and deposits
      4. Scale deposit prevention methods

  2. Air Compressors(9 hours)
    1. Introduction and classifications of air compressors
    2. Primary components of a reciprocating compressor
    3. Processes of a reciprocating compression on P-v diagram, clearance volume, swept volume, total volume, and effective swept volume and work done, effect of clearance volume on performance of compressor
    4. Volumetric, adiabatic and isothermal efficiencies
    5. Multi stage compression and its advantages, inter-cooling, work done of multi stage compression with and without clearance volume on representation of processes on P-v and T-s diagrams
    6. Other types of air compressors: Centrifugal type, axial type, Roots blower, Rotary type, screw type
    7. Comparison among various type of air compressor

  3. Refrigeration(10 hours)
    1. Definition and applications of refrigeration
    2. Simple and modified vapor compression refrigeration cycles
      1. Ideal and actual vapor compression refrigeration cycles
      2. Representation of corresponding processes on P-h and T-s diagram
      3. Work done and coefficient of performance
    3. Vapor absorption refrigeration system
      1. Basic vapor absorption refrigeration system, practical vapor absorption refrigeration system and Electrolux vapor absorption refrigeration system
      2. Comparison between vapor compression and vapor absorption type refrigeration systems
    4. Refrigerants
      1. Introduction
      2. Classifications of refrigerants
      3. Desirable properties of an ideal refrigerant
      4. Properties and uses of commonly used refrigerants

  4. Air-Conditioning(14 hours)
    1. Definition and scope of air-conditioning
    2. Psychometrics and  properties of air
    3. Psychometric chart
    4. Various processes on psychometric chart and their analysis: sensible heating , sensible cooling, cooling with dehumidification, cooling with humidification, heating with dehumidification, heating with humidification, adiabatic mixing of two streams of moist air
    5. Air-conditioning systems:  DX system, all air system, all water system, air-water system, merits and demerits of each system
    6. Components of air-conditioning systems: Ducts, Fans, Grills, Registers, Diffusers, Balancing dampers, Air filters, Air handling units, Fan coil units, Humidifiers and Dehumidifiers


  1. Bernard D. Wood,  “Applications of Thermodynamics”,  Waveland Press Inc., Illinois, 2002
  2. Carrier Air-conditioning Company, “Hand boor of Air-conditioning, System Design” , McGraw-Hill, 2000
  3. American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), “ASHRAE  Hand books”, ASHRAE, 2008
  4. S.C. Arora and S. domkudwar, “ A course Refrigeration and Air-conditioning”, Dhanpat rai and Sons, Delhi, 2000
  5. R.K. Rajput,  “Thermal engineering”  Laxmi Publications, New Delhi, 2003
  6. R.K. Rajput, “Refrigeration and air-conditioning”, S.K. Kataria & Sons 2004


  1. Performance of air compressor
  2. Performance of vapor compression refrigeration system
  3. Performance of Electrolux type refrigerator
  4. Air-conditioning processes: Cooling with dehumidification and cooling with humidification
  5. Air-conditioning processes: Heating with dehumidification and heating with humidification
  6. Air-conditioning process: Mixing of two streams of moist air
  7. Performance of cooling Tower
  8. Study of components of air-conditioning systems.

Evaluation Scheme
The questions will cover all the chapters of the syllabus. The evaluation scheme will be as indicated in the table below:



Mark distribution *
















*Note: There may be minor deviation in mark distribution.

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